God instructed us in his word to pray without ceasing, he also said anything we ask in his name, and we believe we’ve received it, we shall have it. So if God has said all these, why then do we pray for some things, and we don’t get answers? Can prayer answer all things still? or there is more to it.
“I pray earnestly, but so many times when I pray, my prayers don’t get answered, what is wrong?”
Let’s take a look at 5 reasons why that is so.
- Praying Amiss: James 4:3 says “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures” What does it mean to pray amiss? This is when our ends and aims are not right in prayer.
- Not being honest: It’s funny how many of us are guilty of this. We ask the all-knowing God for things, and we are not even honest about what we want. We are so used to the same routine, that often we say we are praying, but what we are just doing is reciting a poem.
Have we forgotten what Prayer is?
Prayer is communication with God.
We are so used to “In Jesus name, Amen, In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. Everlasting Father……..” that we finish praying without even telling God what we need. If we can drop the routine, and start to have an honest conversation with God, I’m certain our prayers would be answered. - Lack of Belief: Mark 11:24 says it all here. It says ” Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them”. You pray, and when the answers don’t come speedily, or at your own time, you stop believing. When you pray, you are expected to believe, that God has answered you, and you will receive it. You say you believe so, if that’s true, why do you keep praying for the same thing over and over again, that just shows you haven’t believed that God has answered you.
- Not Speaking God’s Word: It’s one thing to pray, and ask God for things that you want, but most especially it’s important we boldly confess God’s word. There are moments we pray about certain things that bother us, even in those moments, if we want to be honest with ourselves, we find ourselves getting all worried, and from worry, doubts set in, so to prevent all that, and keep our hopes still upon God, it is very crucial to quote the scriptures out loud, so our faith can surpass our fear.
- Oblivious Of The Authority We Have: The Bible emphasizes how powerful the name of Jesus is. We forget that as Christians, God has given us authority over principalities and power, he said in his name, we will cast out demons. He said if we say to the mountain move, it will obey us. Why? Because of the authority, we have in Jesus’ name. So until we learn how to say ” I rebuke you sickness, stronghold, evil thought in Jesus name, rather than piling so many prayer requests at once, and saying God isn’t answering, only then can we start getting these answers we ask for.
Many times we pray, and it seems God is far away from us or isn’t listening because we are yet to see the evidence of our prayers. The truth is he isn’t, he’s closer than we can think.

A wise man once said ” If you keep doing the ordinary thing, everyone does and hoping for an extraordinary result, it will never come, but if you want an extraordinary result, it will take you to do something extraordinary.
(Do I need to say more?) If you have been doing these 5 points, and you are expecting your prayers to get answered, it will never, try to do the opposite, and let’s see if things remained the way they used to be.
Less I forget, The only thing that can separate us from God is our sins, and when we are separated from God, how can our prayers be answered (Isaiah 51:8)
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, and also any questions you have concerning the topic. If you want me to elaborate more on the essence of having honest conversations with God, by dropping a post on it, also let me know, do all these in the comments section below.
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Pls how can I have a honest conversation with God. Every month morning I stuck saying the same thing , Now it seems like a line of poetry, after one line I know what to say next.
How the I get out this situation.