Today at school the teacher asked each one of us to mention that one thing we hated most. It was a fun exercise as we all raised our pointers filled with joy hoping to be chosen.  The answers were pretty funny. One boy got the whole class laughing out loud after he mimicked a bleating goat stating how much he hated the sound of it.

The event was fun until it was the turn of a short, lanky boy. All eyes were fixed on him as we keenly anticipated what he hated most. Just then he gave a surprising reply. He stated that he hated the alphabet N the most. His choice was off because hating an alphabet made no sense to the rest of us.

The equally curious teacher demanded an explanation as to why he hated the alphabet N.

Here is what he said;

“The alphabet N represents the words naggers and naysayers. Naggers and naysayers are the worst people you can have around you. One who nags is rarely satisfied. They find a fault in everything and make a mountain out of a molehill. A nagger saps away your joy with their constant complaints and bitterness. Also, a naysayer is another kind of person you should flee from. Naysayers will crush your dreams and make you feel like there is nothing you can achieve. When stuck to a naysayer your dreams will become too big for you to obtain. No one should accommodate such negativity.”

After he ended his explanation, we nodded our heads in agreement. His points made sense, and they were solid. However, there was one question hanging on everyone’s lips. Why didn’t he just say he hated naggers and naysayers the most? 

The teacher shared our sentiment so she asked him why he didn’t just say he hated naggers and naysayers the most. The boy replied saying, “You asked us to mention the one thing we hated most. Naggers and naysayers are two distinct people so I had to use the letter N to represent both, thereby making it the one thing I hate the most.”

Omo! When next people are listing the qualities of short people, in addition to them being stubborn, ensure they add being wise above their height to the list.

The End.

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