Man Apprehended by Police for Attempted Arson Attack on Mosque

Man Apprehended by Police for Attempted Arson Attack on Mosque

In a disturbing incident, the police in Dresden, Germany, successfully apprehended a man who attempted to set a mosque ablaze late Tuesday evening.

According to a police spokesperson, the individual poured petrol in front of the mosque and made an effort to ignite the structure. Witnesses, recognizing the imminent danger, promptly contacted emergency services as the mosque was crowded with worshippers at the time.

Law enforcement swiftly responded to the scene, arresting the 34-year-old suspect. The authorities have initiated a thorough investigation, considering the incident as a case of attempted aggravated arson.

While the motive behind the attack initially remained unclear, it has come to light that the same individual was involved in an act of arson in April, where a copy of the Holy Qur’an was set on fire inside another mosque.

The authorities are diligently working to establish a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances surrounding these deeply concerning incidents.

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