NIN-SIM Linkage: NCC Issues Statement Concerning Those Trying to Unblock Their SIM Cards

NIN-SIM Linkage: NCC Issues Statement Concerning Those Trying to Unblock Their SIM Cards

Nigerians seeking to unblock their sim cards have been given updates on what to do.

The Nigerian Communications Commission in a statement issued over the weekend revealed that unblocking sim cards require sim linkage.

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Unblocking SIM Cards Require SIM Linkage

…We are Not Recruiting – NCC

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) wishes to officially inform telecoms consumers, whose Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards are barred from making calls, that affected SIMs will not be unbarred by the service providers until they are linked with the National Identification Numbers (NINs) of the SIM holders.

This information has become necessary in view of a viral weblink (https:///NCC-Sim-Unbar-Gov-Ng) being circulated on social media and on some websites. The link and accompanying narrative represent patent misinformation and disinformation certainly designed to mislead the general public about the SIM cards that are barred from making calls, due to non-linkage with NIN at the set deadline.

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