Did you know excellence is not a gift, it’s a skill that requires practice?
Well most of the great people you know, the likes of Albert Einstein did not just become great all of a sudden.
They went through tough times and failed countless times, but you know one thing that got them to the top, your guess is as good as mine, Consistency.
Today I would be talking to you all about the art of consistency.
Let me start with something that happened recently.
I happened to go on IG and I jumped on this trending video that took my interest, and I was so captivated by the so much creativity put in the video, that I had to check the girl’s page. When I did so, I was able to watch her old videos, and I loved the videos, I found them funny, but her amazing work didn’t get as much recognition and views as they do now, she did not quite because no one was recognizing how amazing she was. She continued, and for every time she did, she got better.
They say “You can’t expect extraordinary results, when you still do ordinary things maybe a little extra effort can bring extraordinary to play.”
Why are you quitting just because no one is seeing the time you spent on creating a masterpiece like that. Why are you giving up already on your dream, just because no one is seeing it, and no one believes it? Why are you giving up on your small beginnings? Just because you failed or because you ran out of resources or because you are not appreciated.
Giving up won’t change anything, but trust me, being consistent and getting better at what you do, would bring everything.
Yeah, it’s easier said than done, it gets hard, a lot of times quitting is the answer, scrap that mindset, it won’t take you anywhere. For every time you fail/fall get up, brush yourself and go again and again and again till you get to the limelight.
Remember Failure is not the end, it’s the First Attempt In Learning, and for every time you feel like quitting, remember the reason why you started and go again.