5 Peace Resolution Strategies the Government Should Have Employed.

5 Peace Resolution Strategies the Government Should Have Employed.

The government has displayed poor strength at conflict resolution as they have failed to pacify the #EndSARS and #EndPoliceBrutality campaign protesters. If the government had employed the right strategies tension would not have been this high and lives would have been saved.

Below are strategies that could have prevented the escalation of this issue.

5 Strategies That Should Have Been Employed.

Ending the ASUU Strike

Never in the history of Nigeria have we seen the youths massively on the streets. Why was this possible? This was possible thanks to the ongoing ASUU strike.

Therefore, ending the strike would have served as an amicable strategy to pull off the youths from the streets and divert their attention. If the government went into serious talks with ASUU, attention would have been divided. If they had ended the strikes and had informed students that exams will commence a week after the resumption of schools the hashtag on social media would have changed drastically


Millions of Nigerians had registered for n-power. This was equally the perfect time to commence the second phase and pull out protesters from the streets. If there was ongoing n-power examination attention would equally get divided and pull people off the street. This is a smart mechanism to divide attention from the ongoing protest.

Addressing the Nation on Day1

If the president had addressed the nation the moment people took to the streets the issue would not have escalated and lives would have been saved. The nonchalant attitude of the government fueled the protests and led us to this point. A swap response to the people’s demands is key to maintaining the peace of a nation.

Suspension of the IGP

The suspension of the IGP would have pacified protesters and given them a feeling of victory. Nevertheless, this did not happen. Instead, the police continued to brutalize people agitating against police brutality. Wow! The irony is sickening. The picture the current scenario is painting is that not even the government is in control of the police.

Suspension Of Police Commissioners in Places Violence Ensued.

Excessive force and violence were displayed by the police in Lagos, Abuja, Oyo, and Ogun states. Peaceful protesters were detained by police officers, and some were killed. This is an insult to the right of protesters. If those in charge of these states were immediately called to order it will give the protesters a sense of victory and justice.

Final Thoughts.

So far SARS has been disbanded and the president has addressed the nation but it still feels like nothing has changed. Yes, nothing has changed because the actions of the police do not tally with the promises being made.

I earnestly pray this issue is handled amicably and peace restored. Also, the police should be reformed so we don’t go back to this same issue.

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One thought on “5 Peace Resolution Strategies the Government Should Have Employed.

  1. Their failure to do these things you just mentioned is an advantage to the youth and people of Nigeria. Nigerians have come to see that we can demand change and get it. There’s an ongoing revolution. Things will never remain the same in this country. Power resides with the people, and with that power we’ll put an end to bad governance.

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