The world is now aware of the atrocities of the police force in Nigeria which has evidently led to massive protests both online and offline. Unfortunately, these vices are have not ended yet. And you still be caught in wonder, as a christian, where exactly you should stand. Should you join the protest? Or just look on as you have told to?
In this post, I bring to you scriptural examples that should put you to rest that indeed ‘…God is no respecter of persons’ (Acts 10:13), even leaders. And that He wants His children to not be partakers of other men sins while they live life to the fullest on earth.
Remember King David? Of course. He committed adultery with one of his soldier’s wife, and organized his death. Evil! Pure-breed evil! Nathan the prophet, came, and pointed out his faults/sins to him.
Herod committed evil. He took his brother’s wife. And John the Baptist, spoke to him about it. John got arrested, and was eventually beheaded. At least he died knowing he didn’t keep quiet at the face of evil. So why are you?
How about Jesus? Countless times, he spoke about the hypocrisy of the leaders of the Jews. He was concerned, and didn’t keep quiet. He pointed out their faults and spoke passionately about it. He preached against their way of life.
Did you think He was smiling when He said, ‘woe unto you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!’? Or He was joking when He pursued merchants out of the temple? (Matthew 21: 12,13)
‘The fear of the Lord is to hate evil…’ (Prov 8:13a). How do you, in good conscience, watch on and do nothing in the sight of evil?
So, if you are still wondering if you should combat through speaking up against evil- brutality, harassment, oppression of one and all the youths- now you know you should. And you are wrong, absolutely, if you don’t.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Be your brother’s keeper!
And remember, as you make your voice heard, pray as well. Join other Nigerians as we lift up our voices unto God for help, a listening ear and caring heart for our leaders. Let’s pray for the safety of every youth speaking up on the streets of every state in Nigeria. Let us pray for the peace and normalised standard of living in Nigeria. Let us speak the truth, as well as life upon this country. We need to come alive, every youth!
There is nothing our faith, prayer, words, and works won’t achieve.