Hey guys I’m back again with another interview with a lovely teenager. So, on my previous post I had a one on one discussion with Britney and she shared her experiences as a teenager and what she had learnt so far. My Interview with this next teenager had some slightly different questions. Please do sit back and relax and enjoy this interview

  • I: Alright so let’s start by you giving us a brief introduction about yourself
    • Teenager: OK. My name is Ibe Tochukwu Obinna a student at Covenant University and also a student leader in the University. I am currently in my second year studying Economics. I am 18 years old. I’m really tall about 6ft8 and pretty handsome. I play basketball, sing and model and i just like living life and making use of all opportunities to the fullest.
    • I: Interesting. So, Obinna I guess you know what this interview is all about yeah?
    • Teenager: Yes. I have a clue.
    • I: Alright let’s just go straight to the questions. What does teenage life mean to you?
    • Teenager: I think teenage life is a determining factor on how the rest of your life will be. You are just coming out of childhood and entering adulthood. It’s a bridge that determines how you will spend the rest of your life. You make decisions that affect the rest of your life at this age. God reveals every aspect of life to you at this age. You go through pain,suffering, heartbreak at this age. These things build you into the man/woman you become. It makes/destroys you. It might be a blessing or curse depending on your decisions. So as i said earlier teenage life is a determining factor.
    • I: I see. Okay so let’s dive into cases of Suicide, Rape, Bullying, Drug Abuse and many more. You will find out that most of the victims are always teenagers. Why is that so?
    • Teenager: I think teenagers are younger and more vulnerable. Like I said teen-hood is a determinant and the determinant never seems to be constant. We are still making major life decisions. We are still confused thereby leading to vulnerability in which the perpetrators of those inhumane acts take advantage of, to commit abominable acts.
    • I: That’s really sad. Is there by any chance you’ve been a victim of any? and if so, how were you able to come out of it.
    • Teenager: Yes indeed I have been a victim of Rape/Sexual harassment and Drug Abuse and concerning how I was able to come out of it. I think it was God and my mindset. I’ve had a really rash teenage-hood so far which took God and a change of mindset to get over. I changed myself, set goals and of-course spoke up.
    • I: Spoke up. I like that cause you hardly find teenagers that speak up about what they are going through. OK. so moving on, What are your fears, insecurities and challenges as a teenager and do you agree with the notion that most teenagers are not always listened to and why?
    • Teenager: My fears hmm, I will say my height, my body. Finding peace whether I’m good looking or not, fear of heartbreak, fear of failure. I like to couple them as normal teenage fears which i will still get over and Yes. I support the notion and believe that teenagers should be listened to. It might sound immature but the truth is we might be immature and still in need of elderly guidance, but we notice a lot and tend to think up solutions faster and better than our elders. So I believe teenagers should be listened to but still be guided.
    • I: Interesting. A large number of people say teen relationship is just harmful and time-wasting. What’s your take on that and also we want to know what all this has taught you so far.
    • Teenager: Okay well I won’t say It’s harmful. It isn’t time wasting either but it depends on your mindset. I think you need to go through those teenage relationship to prepare yourself for the bigger one which is marriage. Teenage relationships cause heartbreaks and I think when you have those heartbreaks you are one step closer to finding your true self. May not happen that way for some people but it will happen for some others. I don’t think teenage relationship is harmful. It depends on your mindset. All this has taught me to be stronger, It has taught me to make better decisions cause they will affect my life in the long-run. It has taught me to take God first in everything and always speak up.
    • I: Lastly, Please do leave a word of advise for your fellow teenagers out there.
    • Teenager: You are a teenager, don’t limit yourself. Explore yourself, task your mind, break those limits because this opportunity comes only once
    • I: It was nice doing this with you. Thank you so much Obinna. You know I’m going to share this right?
    • Teenager: Yeah. Just do me a favor and give me feedback
    • I: I definitely will

I must say having these interviews with these teenagers is really beautiful and we get to know how they actually feel. I hope you enjoyed this and learnt a lot, cause I really did and please be looking forward to my last interview and it’s going to be something entirely different. Also do well to please drop your opinions or feedback on what you learnt in the comment section below.

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