“His Hands Were Like Octopus Tentacles”—Actress, Amy Dorris, Accuses Trump of Sexual Assault.

“His Hands Were Like Octopus Tentacles”—Actress, Amy Dorris, Accuses Trump of Sexual Assault.

Amy Dorris, a former model and actress, came forward in an exclusive interview to accuse President Trump of sexually violating her on 5th september, 1997.

 In an encounter she describes as violating, she told The Guardian, “he just shoved his tongue down my throat and I was pushing him off. And that’s when his grip became tighter…”

First, Some Background…

During the period, Dorris was working as a model and actress.

In 1997, Dorris said her then boyfriend, Jason Binn, took her to meet Trump at his office in Manhattan, before they went together to the US Tennis Championship.

Amy Dorris said she spent several days with Trump after Binn took her to New York in what she described as a long weekend. At the time, she was living in Florida, occasionally shuffling to Miami for modelling work.

 Meanwhile, Binn, the founder of several luxury and fashion magazines, was a friend of Trump. In 1997, he was quoted describing the President as his “best friend”.

Talking about her first impression of Donald Trump, Dorris said, “He came on very strong right away. It seemed typical of a certain guy, people who just feel like they’re entitled to do what they want…even though I was there with my boyfriend.”

During the championship, the couple were joined by other friends of Donald Trump in his private box—a luxury suite with a balcony looking over the court. She provided about 6 photos of the incident, one of them showing herself, Trump and Marylou Whitney in the VIP box.

The Encounter.

She spoke of the assault in an exclusive interview with The Guardian.

Amy Dorris said the alleged assault occurred when she got up to go to the bathroom, which was hidden behind a partition wall few meters away from where Trump and his guests were watching the tennis match.

She said, “I was having some issues with my contact lenses. I remember going in there to moisten my lens.”

Coming out, she was surprised, albeit unpleasantly, to find Trump waiting outside.

“Initially, I thought that he was waiting to go to the bathroom, but that wasn’t the case, unfortunately,” she said.

She recalls a brief exchange in which she nervously laughed and told him, “No, get away.” She alleged she repeatedly told him, “No, please stop”, but “he didn’t care.”

Describing the encounter, she recollects, “He just shoved his tongue down my throat and I was pushing him off. And that’s when his grip became tighter and his hands were very gropey and all over my butt, my breasts, my back, everything.”

“I was in his grip and couldn’t get out of it”, she said, recalling how she used her teeth to try to force his tongue out of her mouth. “I felt trapped.”

Over the years, she described the alleged encounter to her friends, “It felt like there were tentacles on me that I couldn’t rip off, his arms were moving so fast, it was like he had eight,” she said. “You could just picture those suction cups on an octopus and they’re stuck on you. That’s how I felt.”


While asked why she chose now, of all times, to speak out, she claims she had wanted to in 2016, but felt she would have put herself in danger. She also shared the allegation with the Guardian 15 months ago, but was unsure about going public.

She recently decided to go forward with that step, in part to be a role model to her 13-year old twin daughters.

Meanwhile, lawyers for Trump said her version of events did not stand up to any scrutiny. According to them, had there been any inappropriate behaviour outside the bathroom, numerous witnesses would have noticed it.

They said Amy Dorris had never raised the allegation with any law enforcement agency or to Trump. They also claimed that the timing of the allegations so close to the November elections might be politically motivated.

This makes Amy Dorris the 26th woman to come forward to accuse the US President, Donald Trump. Spanning decades, the allegations have ranged from harassment to sexual assault and even rape.  

Also Read: Shocking: Trump Deports Deports 1000 Chinese Students.

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