Veteran comedienne, Princess, has narrated a heart-breaking story of how a 7-year old girl was defiled by popular Yoruba actor Baba Ijesha.
Read also: “Show Baba Ijesha love, pity the girl.”- Rotimi Makinde
In a video posted by @instablog9ja on instagram, Princess recounts how Baba Ijesha came to her for help some years ago and defiled the girl in the process.
According to her, she had challenges with in her marriage as she lost her baby. Some parents in her area felt empathy for her and allowed heir kids stay with her in an attempt to ensure that she doesn’t feel lonely.
As she was going through this ordeal, Olanrenwaju James, popularly known as Baba Ijesha came to her for financial help. While she ran around to help him, he took that time to defile the young girl.
Meanwhile, the young girl, because of this experience could not concentrate in class and her academic performances dropped significantly.
The young girl refused to disclose her experience with him until after seven years later when she was pestered to reveal what happened.
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Princess revealed this after the Yoruba actor was arrested by the Lagos state police for defiling a 14-year old girl. He pleaded guilty to the crime.
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