These 5 Items Should Be On Your Bucket List

These 5 Items Should Be On Your Bucket List

In case you’re wondering why (or how) I came about this topic, no? The thing is—a lady on my chat list is engaging herself in one of these “August Challenge”. I don’t know why, but for me, stuff like this is “see but not touch”.

What I’m trying to say is I like “peeking” into the lives of other people (I know you do too), while imagining myself in such a position. (I hope you get what I mean.)

So, a few days ago, her question was “What three things would you like to achieve before the year runs out?” and while looking at her answers, it suddenly hit me; I have no targets for this year. That certainly got me thinking—and No, I’m not going to share that with you.

What I’m going to be giving you is far more interesting—the bucket list. You may, or may not, have heard this before, but it literally means “The list of things I want to do before I kick the bucket”. Get it?

You only need to answer a question in all honesty—“What do I wish I’d done if I were to die tomorrow?” To be sincere, this would require some level of thought from you, but I’ll make things much easier—come see the world from my perspective!

1. The Conventional Stuff.

Don't forget about Love and Family when creating your bucket list

By conventional, I mean, expected. Things that are expected from you before you reach a particular age. For example, I once read that when you reach 40, you should have read at least 40 books on financial independence.

For me, my conventional stuff will be falling in love. Seriously? Yes, seriously. Thing about it. Who doesn’t want that tingly feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Or your heart skipping a beat when you see someone?

Of course, love is not all about what you see on the surface anyways. (See here to find out more #wink)

2. The Weird Stuff.

Learning a new language is definitely a must

This may be as humorous as getting into a taxi and yelling “Follow That Car!”, or buying a parrot and teaching it to say, “Help! I’ve been turned into a parrot” or even learning to say “Hello” in 300 different languages—whichever works for you.

Something I’d want to do is learn an international language. I love how the Spanish vocabulary swirls on my tongue, so I’m definitely going for Spanish. Bella Ciao!

3. The Variety Stuff.

Make sure to add variety to your bucket list

The variety stuff is the fun stuff! Let me give you some ideas. You could decide to want to play a musical instrument such as the piano or the guitar, or sing on a stage. Maybe even see a famous icon or go on a TV show. The possibilities are endless.

For my variety, I’d love it if I could push myself to start going to the gym. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do for a long time, but “time and chance…”

4. The Adventure Stuff.

Adventure should be on your bucket list

I’m sure you would have guessed through the name alone. Adventure is seeing the world—you could want to travel to a country you adore. Don’t forget visiting different nationalities and culture (Oktoberfest in Germany, National Cherry Festival in Japan or the Rio Carnival in Berlin). You could as well choose to enjoy art—books, pictures, music. Watch all the James Bond films maybe? Or watch a particular series back-to-back.

Mine would be to learn a sport like archery or rowing, or maybe even an “extreme” sport like skydiving or swimming with dolphins.

5. The Tantalizing Stuff.

A bucket list would be incomplete without some spice and flavour

Seeing tantalizing, the only thing that should come to your mind is food! I mean, who doesn’t like food right? You could decide to go wine tasting in Napa, catch your own fish and eat it, even eat at a three-starred Michelin restaurant.

Personally, I’d love to be able to cook a particularly sizzling, spicy and tasty foreign dish—preferable Italian—and eat it. Those who have watched Food Wars will agree!

That’s it for now people. I hope you have some ideas for your personal bucket list now. Feel free to tell me some of them in the comments below. Always remember, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

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2 thoughts on “These 5 Items Should Be On Your Bucket List

  1. I would love to go to different countries in each continent like China, India, Italy and so on… keep it up

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