Alex got up from the bed, hissing, he wore his palms, picked up his car keys, went downstairs noisily, started his car, angrily barked at the gate man and drove out of the house. It was 6:12am.

Zoey said nothing as he left the house angrily this morning, she had made no attempt to stop him. Sometimes Alex can be a bit over bearing and childish. “Maybe he’s insecure” Kiki, her best friend suggested. They had hung out hours earlier and Zoey was lamenting on Alex’s new behaviour whilst sipping chilled lemonade. Kiki hated the taste but still took it for the sake of Zoey.

“The man I fell in love with has never for one day exhibited this behavior, I have never known Alex to be insecure, so where is this trait coming from?” She said whilst taking another sip and looking out to the shoppers. They were seated at one of the juice stands at the mall. “He literally misinterprets everything I tell him, he’s always checking my phone and eavesdropping on my calls.” She continued. “Could you believe I woke up to him trying to unlock my phone with my fingerprints?” She said shaking her legs and sighing. “He said he heard my gist that I have started going out with richer, finer men. Kiki, which finer men have you seen me going out with?”

“Baby girl, you need to call down, trust me no man is worth all this stress you are putting yourself through. If he has started acting like a mad man then please let him be. You are beautiful and smart, perfect combo, you’d get a new man in no time.” Dazzled, Zoey folded her hands and looked at her best friend like her brain was leaking, “I should leave Alex just because of this? I’m telling you that this behaviour is strange and there is someone tarnishing my name out there and you’re talking about leaving him? For these hungry girls? No way!”

“Okay o, I have adviced you as a good friend should, if you want to take it fine, but I’d suggest you have other options open in case he decides to leave you tomorrow”. Irritated, Zoey got up suddenly, told her friend goodbye and left her half-full glass of not so chilled lemonade.

Getting home, she met Alex in the shower and waited for him to come out. “Babe, these past few weeks have been stressful to me, I don’t know about you but my mind hasn’t been settled ever since you made those accusations against me. I have plainly told you I’m innocent but you’d rather believe a stranger’s words to mine. This says a lot about you, if we are going to end up together, is this how we are going to fight our battles?” I said whilst trying to massage him, Alex ignored me completely and went to bed. “Won’t you say something to me? Why are you ignoring me?” I got no response from him and I also went to bed.

“I’m at your gate”, Alex texted. “I’m coming”, Kiki replied.


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