After Trump’s Pressure, Georgia Announces Plans to Conduct Full Hand Recount of Presidential Ballots.

After Trump’s Pressure, Georgia Announces Plans to Conduct Full Hand Recount of Presidential Ballots.

Georgia’s secretary of state has announced that the state will conduct an audit of the 2020 Presidential ballots, stating that they will recount by hand the millions of votes cast in the state, after Joe Biden was declared winner.

It would appear that the pressure was too much for Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, who is himself a Republican. He made the statement on November 11th, after demands from President Trump’s campaign for a recount. Not including petitions from fellow Georgia Republicans to resign amid accusations of mismanaging the election process that saw Biden emerge as winner of the state.

“With the margin being so close [49.5% in favour of Joe and 49.2% in Trump’s favour], it will require a full by-hand recount in each county.” Secretary of State, Raffensperger, said at a news conference in Atlanta. “This will be an audit, a recount, and a recanvas all at once,” he added.

Now all attention in on Georgia as two high-stakes Us Senators; Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, fighting for re-election, demanded Raffensperger resign from office, accusing him without evidence of failing to “deliver honest and transparent elections.”

Meanwhile, Trump has still not conceded in the race. Instead, he has made unfounded claims about widespread voter fraud in mail-in ballots.

Doug Collins, a US. Rep leading Trump’s campaign for recounts, celebrated on Wednesday, calling the decision of the Georgian Head of State as a victory for “integrity” and “transparency”.

“This is an important first step in the process to ensure that the election was fair and that every legal vote was counted,” Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a call with Reporters.

For now, we can only sit back and watch as the scene unfolds. Stay Tuned!

Must Read: The Things We Do Unconsciously.

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