Court Sentences Donald Trump, Others, to Death over War Crimes.

Court Sentences Donald Trump, Others, to Death over War Crimes.

Donald Trump has been sentenced to death by a court in Yemen, alongside Saudi King, Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud for alleged war crimes.

The case against the defendants was held in their absence at the Houthi-run Specialized Criminal Court. The court accused them of being a part of a Saudi-led coalition attack on a bus full of young boys.

According to lindaikejisblog, the Houthi-owned Yemen News Agency confirmed that apart from these, the court issued death sentences to the Commander of the Saudi Air Force, Turki bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Yemeni President, Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, Yemen’s Vice President, Ali Mohsen Saleh Al-Ahmar, prime Minister, Ahmed bin Dagher, Defence Minister Muhammad Al-Maqdishi, and former US Defence Secretary James Norman Mattis.

The defendants were also required to pay a $10 billion fine `to the families of those killed in the 1029 strike which killed 51 people, including 40 children.

As stated by Daily Star, The United Nations has called the Yemeni conflict the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. This is mainly because the Yemeni’s internationally recognized government has been battling the Iran-backed Houthi movement, which has seized most of the north of the country.

More than 100 civilians have been killed, and a million more displaced. Prior to this, the Yemeni government’s Supreme Judicial court had ruled that the Houthi-run criminal court should be shut down since 2018.


Donald Trump, inn a recently released video has claimed that contracting the coronavirus was a “blessing from God.”

He further vowed to make the experimental drug, Regeneron, free for all Covid patients. According to him, “I wanna get for you what I got and I’m gonna make it free, you’re not gonna pay for it.”

After taking the drug (which, by the way, has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration), he returned to the White House feeling so much better and stronger.

“You have various other drugs that help a lot, but these, I view these, — I know they call them therapeutic, but to me it wasn’t therapeutic — it just made me better.” Trump maintained. 

“I call that a cure,” he said.

Shares of the pharmaceutical company climbed up 5% after the president’s remarks.

See More: “Why Do You Massacre Christians?” — Trump Asks Buhari.

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