How Kind Are You With Your Words?

How Kind Are You With Your Words?

We live in a world where love is underrated, and where people with empathy are looked upon as weak, where everyone is only focused on being the best version of themselves.

Hello Guys, It’s a new week, and normally we would want to read on something very inspiring that will make us give our best in what we do and keep us going through the week, but I decided I’m going to dive into something different.

Words are like seeds that are planted, they grow and we decide what kind of fruit we want it to grow into, If you sow a good seed then you will reap a good fruit and vice versa, no doubts about that. A lot of people think showing kindness is just by helping someone who is in need.That’s true, but I’m also here to tell you that you can show kindness to people through your words.

In the case of Chadwick Boseman a.k.a Black Panther who recently passed away, was dragged few months back and mocked all over social media for his sudden weight loss without anyone knowing he was battling an illness. I can’t even imagine how it was for him, battling an illness and also having to endure negative comments from people. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.

This should awaken people, everyone is going through something, people are fighting their own battles either physically, financially, health-wise, maritally and many more. If you can’t help them out at least encourage them with kind words from your mouth. It goes a long way trust me.

Like I said earlier, This is a new week. Let’s be kind with our words, as little as you telling a lady ” Is this a new hair-do? I love it, it’s beautiful” can change her entire day. Make people feel loved and appreciated with your words. You don’t have to get them the whole world. Words are priceless and powerful. Make this week beautiful by spreading kind words to people. It is said that whatever you constantly do for 21 days becomes a habit, so please guys let’s endeavor to make this a habit and see how many lives we can impact. Remember Words are like scars they stay forever. Thank you for reading?

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5 thoughts on “How Kind Are You With Your Words?

  1. Well said❤️
    I had no idea Chadwick was bullied
    Humans can be a pain sometimes
    I still don’t know how people find the courage to bad mouth others?

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