How To Make Homemade Mug Cake In 10 Minutes.

How To Make Homemade Mug Cake In 10 Minutes.

Eating Cake is literally the best feeling in the world, I’ve never seen anyone eating cake in anger, but what I’ve seen is when someone is upset, they eat cake to cheer up, so cake can be medicinal.

You will agree with me, that most times there is this crave for cakes, and you want to eat it so bad, but you don’t want to buy, due to the price or any reason whatsoever. In cases like this, Why not make your cake in the comfort of your home?

Also, please be decisive about the cake you want. It’s easier to make a decision when you are ordering a cake than when you are preparing one yourself. Pick what works for you.
I’ll be focusing on How you can make a Chocolate Mug Cake in 10 minutes or less.

1) Get all you need: So for this cake, you’ll need a microwave, microwave-safe mug, 2 tablespoon butter, 1/4 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of self-raising flour, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water.
2) Mix the ingredients required for the cake: Start by mixing your butter, sugar, and water together in the mug, then add your flour and your cocoa powder, mix well till it turns into a smooth paste
3) Microwave for about 2 minutes: Put your mug cake in the microwave and put it on for about 2 minutes, then bring it out and your cake is ready, you can decide to eat it directly from the mug with a spoon or you put your cake into a different plate.
4) Toppings also work: You can decide to add toppings, to give it that attractive look, and to add to the taste. Toppings such as Oreos, Waffles, Icecream cones, Sprinkles, and many more.
Why Is This Good?
For a fact, It saves time and money. It gives you a high level of self-esteem, especially if you’ve got beginner’s luck at things. You never know, you could get compliments, and even orders from friends and family, if you decide to show the world what you’ve been up doing.

Try this out and tell me how it all went down. Meanwhile, If this post was helpful and you liked it, please rate, drop a comment, and kindly share, thank you.

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