How to Make Your Staff Happy this Festive Period

How to Make Your Staff Happy this Festive Period

The end of the year is that period people reflect on their lives and career intensively. If they are not happy with how well they have done for themselves at a job or a carrier, the beginning of the new year is a perfect time to jump ships by leaving their old jobs for a new one. It will be their first goal of the new year.

 As a business owner, nothing is more devastating than starting a new year with news that most of your staff members shall not be returning. This can affect your business detrimentally. Even if you succeed in quickly hiring replacements, it will take a while before they can get fully integrated with the business. Starting your new year sail with an inexperienced crew will make it easier to succumb to the storms of life. Accordingly, it is important to ensure your old staff remain faithful and return to work after the holidays.

How to Retain Your Staff.

Sometimes it is the little things that matter and makes a difference. One kind gesture after another can help secure the loyalty of your staff. Show me a flourishing business, and I will show you a loyal staff. 

Obtaining human loyalty is not easy but it is possible. With the tips this article has for you, you are sure of retaining at least 85 percent of your staff next year. Frankly, you cannot please everyone, but if you can satisfy the majority then you are on the right track.

Tip on Retaining Your Staff

Use the Magic Words

This is the perfect time to be polite as a boss. Use magic words such as Please, Thank you, etc when addressing your staff. Trust me, throwing a tantrum or abusing words this period can trigger your most productive staff members into looking for a new job next year. It is believed that January is a perfect time to get a new job, so people are less scared of quitting their jobs.

Christmas bonus/Gifts

That 10% additional payment to your staff might be the glue to seal your staff loyalty. Christmas gifts are equally a good way to show appreciation to your staff and earn their loyalty. Recently, as we all dragged our feet to return home after a slow day at work, we saw a bus parked in front of the admin building, and people were offloading bags of rice off it. The bags of rice were a gift to all the staff.

I don’t see anyone quitting their job anytime soon.

This Christmas, as a boss, do something special for your staff. Something that will make them smile during the holidays and will bring them back to you next year.

Being Appreciated

Everyone loves to feel valued and appreciated. If people feel valued and appreciated for their services, they will remain at a job for a long time. Gifts and bonuses are good ways to make your staff feel valued. However, kind words and nice gestures can equally do the trick.

Imagine how valued they will feel if they get a text or mail from you, saying, 

“2020 was a tough year, but we stayed winning because we have a champion like you on the team. Thanks for all your impact, with you with us, 2021 will be an awesome year for all of us. You are deeply valued.”

Such kind words can earn you the loyalty of your workers. There are a lot of people that stay in their jobs, due to the kind words of their boss.


Before closing for the holidays bond with your staff. You can take everyone out for drinks to celebrate the end of the year. Such fun events that established relationships beyond the walls of the office will aid keep the team spirit alive during the holidays.

Ensure to close for the Holidays

Working during the holidays is a huge turnoff. If I have a job that compels me to work during this season, I will be looking for a new job by January. Give your staff a break to enjoy Christmas with their loved ones, and rejuvenate for the new year.

Final Thoughts

If you don’t want to start the new year by hiring new staff members in a hurry, end the year with your workers on a high note.

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