Trump to Fire his Attorney General Barr After He Confirmed There Was No Widespread Election Fraud in the 2020 Elections.

Trump to Fire his Attorney General Barr After He Confirmed There Was No Widespread Election Fraud in the 2020 Elections.

US President Donald Trump has suggested he could sack his Attorney General and loyal supporter, William Barr, over his affirmation that there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

Barr told Newsmen on Tuesday, December 1st, “To date, we have not seen any election fraud on a scale of what could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

Barr said the evidence found suggesting fraud pertained to isolated incidents and did not suggest any existence of “systemic” fraud.

The Attorney General made the pronouncement to counter Trump’s assumption that Biden’s victory was facilitated by a massive Democratic conspiracy to “rig” the election.

Trump, who would be leaving the White House come January, has now suggested Barr could be packing his bags soon. In his appearance in the Oval Office yesterday, 3rd December, he declared, “They should be looking at all of this fraud. This is not civil; this is criminal stuff. This is very bad criminal stuff so I’ll just say this: It was a fixed election. It was a rigged election.”

When a reporter asked if he’d lost confidence in his Attorney-General, Trump said, “Ask me that in a number of weeks from now.”

The outgoing President, who has so ardently refused to admit that he lost to Joe Biden, claimed Barr’s Justice Department hasn’t found any evidence of widespread fraud because “he hasn’t looked.”

“He has not done anything.” Barr said of his Attorney-General Barr. “They have not looked very hard, which I a disappointment, to be honest with you.”

Despite a lack of evidence, Trump has continued to file lawsuits and engage in legal battles to challenge Biden’s victory, claiming millions of votes were cast illegally in states won by the Democrat. Most of the lawsuits have been thrown out anyways, with judges noting that there was no evidence to justify the allegations.

All I see is a psychopath.

Related: Trump Set to Bring Back Firing Squad As Death Penalty During HIs Final Days in Office.

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