5 Tips To Effortless Style.

5 Tips To Effortless Style.

I’m sure a lot of times when you check through social media or flip through magazines, you get to see people who look so stylishly beautiful, and you wonder how they do it. Well marvel no more cause I’ve got 5 tips to effortless style

  1. Work on your closet: Try bringing out all you have, you could do away with some torn and worn-out clothing. If you are capable of getting new clothes, try investing in timeless pieces like good jackets, tailored blouses, and the likes. Well if you aren’t capable on the other side, work with your basics, the main thing is that you are confident and comfortable with what you are wearing.
    2) Add Accessories to your style: Accessories like a little necklace, a bracelet, rings, these bring out the beauty in your clothing.
    3) Say No to Matching Outfits: Gone are the days when you matched your handbag with your shoes and it looked amazing. Whenever you put on any clothing, try using three different tones in your outfits and accessories.
    4) Put Your Hair In Style: If you want to look in style, then your hair is a major thing to consider, you could look so good, but then your hair brings you down, Make every day a good hair day, and trust me you are good to go
    5) Keep it simple: Don’t do too much. Do everything in moderation. Simple is the new cool, remember that.

Make use of these tips, and trust me you’ll be thanking me later. Please share your thoughts on this in the comment section below

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