Anthropophobia: The Fear Of People.

Anthropophobia: The Fear Of People.

Anthropophobia is gotten from two words “Anthro” and “Phobia”. Anthro meaning people, while Phobia meaning fear, so we can say Anthropophobia is the fear of people, and even a layman can understand it.

Now we’ve heard of so many phobias ranging from animal phobias to environmental phobias to bodily phobias, but now people phobia? give me something realistic, but truth be told, a lot of people have Anthropophobia.

This is not the same as social phobia, It’s quite different. It could be so bad, that it causes a phobic reaction in the company of only one other person.
People who have anthropophobia tend to withdraw from people altogether and only communicate via electronic means.

Signs You Are Anthropohobic?

It’s easy to spot someone who is anthropophobic, they exclude themselves from people, they rarely come out, and if ever they are in the midst of people, they get uncomfortable, finding it difficult to breathe, sweating profusely, unable to speak, and feeling the need to flee.

Is There A Treatment?
For a case that is not severe, you can start with therapy sessions, and after a while, a lot of progress will be made, but for an extreme case, therapy makes take more time, and to start with, you would learn how to tolerate sharing a space with the therapist before you can advance, but with hard work and perseverance, you will overcome that phobia.

Now I have a question for you reading, Do you believe an Introvert is Anthropophobic? Please drop your answer in the comment section below, kindly rate and share, thank you.

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