Man narrates how mom tossed away laptop containing N234bn bitcoin

Man narrates how mom tossed away laptop containing N234bn bitcoin

The enraged man revealed that he hasn’t been able to find motivation since the incident occurred. A bitcoin trader has revealed his ordeal after his mother tossed away a broken Laptop containing cryptocurrency valued at $557 million (N234 billion). The anonymous man took to the social media platform Reddit to reveal this unfortunate incident. According…

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Cryptocurrency: Elon Musk Invests N571bn in cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency: Elon Musk Invests N571bn in cryptocurrency.

Reports from Bloomberg, indicate that, an electric car company owned by the world’s richest man, Elon Musk has invested $1.5billion in Bitcoin. According to the news source, will soon start accepting cryptocurrency as means of payment. Reports gathered say that after the news that Tesla. inc investment in Bitcoin spread round, the prices…

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