Tales of The Most Awkward Blind Date Ever

Tales of The Most Awkward Blind Date Ever

First things first, this post is not a work of fiction but an actual event that occurred in real-time. Moreover, if you are sipping hot coffee, kindly drop that cup before you continue to read. Else, you might spit it out in awe or due to laughter. This is the story of the most awkward blind date ever. 

Blind Date Gone Wrong

As if the idea of a blind date is not awkward enough, a Chinese lady came to a blind date with 23 of her family members. Yes! You read that right. She came with 23 family members. That is 1 2 3 4 5……..23. Wow! 

Why would she do such a thing? Believe me, she has the most outrageous reason ever! According to her, she brought 23 members of her family to test her date’s generosity. Wow! Even my wow is wowed by her thought pattern. Anyways, did her date pass the test with flying colours or did her plans backfire? Keep reading to find out.

While Mr Lui (her blind date) awaited his date, to his astonishment, she showed up with 23 additional persons. Before now, he had agreed to pay for the date, but she increased their number by 23 and still expected him to foot the bill.

Unfortunately, her plans backfired to the tune of a thousand as she and her family were not only served dinner, they were also served serious embarrassment. 

Mr Lui refused to foot the bill of the date and left the lady and her family with a whopping $3,100 bill to clear. It appears she will not be dating Mr Lui as he was not generous enough to foot the outrageous bill of an overcrowded date.

The duo was arranged on a blind date by Mr Lui’s mother. His mom wanted him to settle down in marriage with someone nice, so she arranged the blind date.

The local media got a wind of the story and questioned the lady who brought more people than the numbers of players allowed in a football game. She reinstated her stand, that she wanted to test the man’s generosity before committing to the relationship.

Considering how the date was a disaster, it is safe to say they are both still very single.

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