How to Increase Your Chances of Winning BBN

How to Increase Your Chances of Winning BBN

The early bird audition for the next set of BBN housemates was concluded not too long ago. It appears there will be another audition. Well, if you auditioned, or you plan to audition, best of luck.

If you have plans of competing in the next Big Brother Naija Show, then you are reading the right piece. Frankly, if you make it to the house, knowledge gathered from this article could help you become the next Miracle, Mercy Eke, and Laycon. 

The competition begins the moment you earn a slot to the show, and on stage. So the moment you earn a slot, start preparing. 

Here is how to increase your chances of winning BBN.

Preparation is key

To win BBN, before stepping into the house you must have made adequate preparations. Tacha, was a guru in this aspect. She made advance videos of herself thanking her fans for saving her from eviction. Such videos were posted each time she got saved. You might not copy her method, but ensure to prepare in your own way.

You Need An Amazing PR Team

BBN is a game played both in and outside the house simultaneously. While you strive to play the game inside the house, you need a professional PR team to immensely promote you outside the house. Your social media team should be topnotch! 

It is advisable to go as far as paying some social media influencers to root for you, especially on Twitter. With a good PR team, negative narratives about you can easily be swayed. Laycon’s amazing PR team contributed immensely to his success story.

Choose Your Social Media Accounts Handler Wisely

Whoever handles your social media accounts influences your game big time. That person holds the key to your success in BBN.

I remember rooting for Omashola during the Pepperdem season, and he lost supporters due to how rude or savage the handler could be. Whoever handled his page could have done better especially during conflict resolutions, or in accepting advice. Also, the handler was more concerned with exchanging words with trolls, or fans with different opinions than earning more fans for Omashola.

While you’re in the house, your social media handler is seen as a reflection of your personality. What he or she does affects your game.

There are qualities an amazing handler must possess, such as:

  • Be active. A good handler should never go MIA. The page should be made interestquarreledng and posting beautiful content about the candidate being represented. This will make the page lively and people will be more prone to follow. Laycon’s social media pages were a vibe.
  • A good handler never throws other housemates under the bus simply because they had a quarrel with their candidate. Staying positive is key.
  • Resist the urge to always explain situations. You must not write epistles all the time, and never paint your candidate as a saint and others as the devil.
  • Be grateful and appreciative of the fans. Listen to their ideas, implement it and reply to your DM.
  • Try not to block people or reply to negative comments.
  • Type with simple but correct English.
  • Like and reply as many positive comments as possible.
  • Educate people on how to vote correctly. Do this as often as possible.
  • Ensure you are social media savvy and understand the tenets of digital marketing.
  • Mercy’s handler did a wonderful job and  Scarlet Gomez did an excellent job for Laycon.

Read More: What BBN Taught Me

Strive to be Notice from the Stage

The top 3 finalists from Lockdown edition were all noticed on the stage, and they trended massively. Dorathy trended heavily for her big breasts. Nengi trended for having the sexiest body, while Laycon trended worldwide for his light jacket and appearance.

Truly, there is nothing like bad publicity. Laycon was heavily trolled on day 1 but by day 2 an army rose for him. Yes, he has the biggest fan base in the history of BBN. He won with 250 million votes. Whereas the total number of votes last season was 50 million. He currently has 3.1 million Instagram followers.

Create Interesting Contents

Content is key. You can’t go to the house and sleep all day then expect to win. Sell yourself very well and provide interesting content. Remember, it is an entertainment show so people want to be entertained just ensure not to overdo it. During the Saturday Party strives to be one of the best steppers. Be interesting to watch.

Also, put in efforts to win tasks from sponsors and arena games. Make your diary sessions lively and a delight to watch. Try not to partake in gossip and ensure never to be bitter about other people’s win. Be brave enough to always air your views, people find it attractive.  Finally, never be condescending to anyone. If you do that you are helping them get to the top and pulling yourself down. Nigerians frown at condescending people.

Pick the Right Name 

Ensure to use a name that can be spelt easily. Till the end of the show, people were confusing Omashola for Omoshola. This affected him as he had tons of wasted votes. Even Kimoprah paid for her choice of name 

Your name should not be long or too short. Fans tend to make mistakes when the name is long. Whereas, if the name is just three-letter words you can’t trend on Twitter. Vee, Neo, and Ozo could not trend independently without any hashtag or other attachments. This equally affected their games. Your name in BBN might make or mar you, so choose strategically.

Pray for Grace

Love can’t be bought but when grace finds you, people will love and support you madly. Honestly, grace is key.

As you pray for the grace to be loved, equally play for the grace to play the game to the end without getting disqualified.  It hurts when you leave the show as a disqualified candidate especially when you had a chance of winning. Pray for grace, my people.


The game might officially begin from the stage, but the moment you earn a spot in the show, start preparing to win. Best of luck to the next set of contestants

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