Ghost of the Past

Ghost of the Past

My thoughts go out to you who came like a wind and left me with nothing but dust in my eyes.  My tears are shed for you, who was my friend and my demon. The rain is falling for you, as the dark cloud roaring in anger mourns your waste. A waste you became in…

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There is madness in the air, a raving madness carried and spread by humans with their consciousness intact. Sane humans displaying insanity though roaming the street looking all sane. It’s a pity that the mirror does not reflect the true nature of man, since appearance has proven to be misleading.   Chaos has struck up to…

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Caged Child

Caged Child

Mama why the fussy and the frenzy? I guess you feel your little girl has gone crazy? Ya, you’re right, I’m a little bit of that. And guess what? You caused it.  Mama, you were a watchdog and I was your caged dog, suffocated by your unfathomable rules. Like an island, I lived my life,…

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The Oxford dictionary defines consent as “the permission for something to happen or agreement to do something”. It further implies that one must give permission for something to happen. There are various instances where consent is needed. From borrowing your roommates charger to using his body spray to turning her garri to collecting some money…

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