When Life Happens (A Story)

When Life Happens (A Story)

After all the fuss and bustling laced with serious prayers and expectations, the day turned out to be yet another day of outright disappointment. Another concluded interview that promises no fruit, and Ella felt rejected for the umpteenth time.  Her footwear was not the only thing on a decline, the confidence she once had in…

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“God-Fatherism” in Nigerian Politics: When Will We Be Free?

“God-Fatherism” in Nigerian Politics: When Will We Be Free?

It is no news that the APC has disqualified State governor Godwin Obaseki from further participating in the party’s primaries this year. The Chairman of the Screening Committee, Prof. Jonathan Ayuba, he clarified that Obaseki had failed to produce his Higher School Leaving Certificate, among others. This has sparked numerous controversies on the micro-blogging site,…

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Happiness is free, it won’t cost you a thing, but too often we deprive ourselves of happiness due to our Perception, Ingratitude, and our very own Choice. Happiness is Influenced by our Perception  Ayo and Mark both received an alert the same Saturday, the investment their friend Tunde introduced them into just paid off. At…

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Bullying is a very trivial issue most people don’t actually talk about that much. I mean you could see people talking about racism, gender issues, feminism and the likes but people hardly talk about bullying. A lot of people are aware of the physical bullying that these children and teenagers face, but what they aren’t…

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Open Heaven 9 June 2020 Tuesday Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – The Unchanging Christ

Open Heaven 9 June 2020 Tuesday Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – The Unchanging Christ

Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional Topic: The Unchanging Christ (Open Heaven 9 June 2020) Memorise: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. – 1 Corinthians 15:58 Read: John 5:20-29 (KJV) 20 For the Father loveth…

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Understanding the importance of honesty can never be over emphasised. In our everyday dealings with humans, the question of being honest arises, whether in dealing with the woman from the store, reporting to our boss, acknowledging a wrong from our colleague and even whilst communicating with our partners. Sometimes telling a lie is sweeter and…

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There is madness in the air, a raving madness carried and spread by humans with their consciousness intact. Sane humans displaying insanity though roaming the street looking all sane. It’s a pity that the mirror does not reflect the true nature of man, since appearance has proven to be misleading.   Chaos has struck up to…

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